SBB's CI is one of SH Group's subsidiaries. It symbolizes an image realizing the aesthetics of “connection”, “integration”, and “communication” and aiming for a bright future like the morning sun. The quotation mark emphasizes the company name and stands for a company that demonstrates its presence and develops in the global market.
SBB clarifies the identity of KPF by increasing clarity using the contrast of green, deep blue, and orange.
C85 M0 Y100 K0
R0 G163 B62
C97 M55 Y18 K10
R0 G94 B149
C69 M0 Y100 K2
R235 G110 B0
C20 M0 Y0 K80
R72 G81 B87
C0 M0 Y0 K70
R114 G113 B113
C0 M0 Y0 K55
R148 G148 B149
Shape change
Color change
Harmony with the background A
Harmony with the background B
*The shape or color of the logo must not be arbitrarily changed as shown in these examples,.